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CATs Written Exams

FAA Written Exams and Check Rides

  • FAA Written Exams

    The CATs Written Exams stations are open every day at AOA.

    Before you take your FAA Written Exam: At Academy of Aviation, we take pride in preparing our students for all examinations on the way to their pilot license, and this includes making sure we cover all the required material for you to pass your written exams with ease and confidence. As a certified Cessna Pilot Center, we use Cessna developed computerized courses which closely resemble the FAA written exams.

    Our CATS Testing Center: The Federal Aviation Administration requires that flight students successfully complete knowledge tests for certain ratings and certifications. Academy of Aviation serves as a PSI Computer Assisted Testing Service (CATS) certified site. CATS is the recognized leader in educational, licensing and certification examinations. We administer professionally proctored knowledge examinations in a relaxed and friendly environment.

    About the FAA Written Exam: The written knowledge portion of a private or commercial pilot license test assesses a pilot's knowledge of aviation-related concepts. The Federal Aviation Administration is responsible for certifying pilots and develops and administers all pilot license tests. You can read more about the requirements for the private pilot written exam here.

    CATS Testing Hours: Our CATs Written Exams stations are open from 8 am to 6 pm. Please call in advance to book a time slot: (631) 777-7772

  • FAA Check Rides

    Perfect your flying skills and pass your check ride with AOA.

    From From

    "The pilot administering the check is entrusted with the responsibility of making sure you meet the aeronautical knowledge and aeronautical skill standards established in the United States for the certificate you are seeking to obtain. When the DPE signs your temporary pilot certificate, he or she is attesting that you are competent not only to carry yourself aloft — something you've already been doing during solo practice — but also to carry passengers."
    Williams, James (2012, Jan./Feb.) "Know the Score: What to Know Before Your Check Ride."
    Retrieved from

    From Flying Magazine:

    "Every time you train for a new pilot rating you're faced with a check ride — an event that can cause the blood pressure to rise even in the best of pilots. After being grilled for hours about your knowledge pertaining to the rating you're attempting to achieve, you're expected to perform precision maneuvers under the watchful eye of an experienced pilot examiner. The only way you will pass is by studying the material and practicing the maneuvers, but there are a few additional things you can do to reduce your stress level and increase your chances of passing your test on the first try." Pope, Stephen (2012, May 18.) "Pass Your Check Ride: Timely tips to help you ace your ride and avoid that dreaded pink slip." Flying Magazine
    Retrieved from

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